7/18 Pre-Camp Meeting
Camps Begin Monday
- All Marching Lancers – 8am-noon. Instruments, lyres/flip folders, athletic attire
- Percussion – 8am-4pm
- VOLUNTEERS: Sign up to bring snacks for band camps
- TRANSPORTATION FORMS must be signed/returned (electronic copies accepted)
Registration & Uniform Fittings Tuesday-Wednesday, 6-8pm, Band Room
- Tuesday 7/23 – Juniors & Seniors
- Wednesday 7/24 – Freshmen & Sophomores
- VOLUNTEERS: Sign up to help Tues/Wed
Marching Lancer camps continue 7/29-8/2
- Monday & Tuesday: 7am-4pm, 6-8pm. Lunch and Dinner provided. Contact Andi Welch with dietary restrictions
- Wed-Thurs: 7am-11:30am, 1pm-4pm
- Thursday, 8/1: Showcase Performance @ SM North (students @ 6pm, performance @7pm)
- Friday, 8/2: 7am-11:30am, afternoon off
Drumline Performance @ SMSD New Teacher Academy 8/5
- Location: SM NORTHWEST HS, East Parking Lot
- Call time: 7:15am @ SMNW. Perform as staff arrives
SME Band Car Wash 8/24, 8am-12pm
- Parents: Volunteer Signups (students will sign up in class)