Marching Band Recaps & Videos
- KBA videos – Prelims – Finals –
- Special End-Of-Season Compilation (John Mierowsky)
Text-Drive Fundraiser
- Over $11,000 raised so far — Can we hit $20,000??
- Text “6733” to (844) 315-3133
- New this year: Special Gifts for donors, faster workflow for student participants
- Parents can share this information via text/email etc
Spring Band Auditions Wednesday, 10/30
- Audition excerpts (cuts) and details have been posted to Canvas in Modules
- All students are required to perform an audition
- Results will be posted after schedules and makeups clear. Please be patient
Home Playoff FB Game Friday 11/1
- No school – Meet @ SM SOUTH Stadium, 6pm
- Pregame & Pep Band (no marching show)
- Attire – Lancer Gear
- Please take home your marching shoes – MANY pairs left in uniform bags
ECKMEA District Auditions Saturday, 11/9 @ Gardner-Edgerton HS
- The attached list of students have signed up for the ECKMEA Honor Band auditions on November 9th at Gardner-Edgerton HS.
- Fees are $18 per audition – e.g. if you are doing 2 concert instruments or 1 concert/1 jazz, it’s $36
- Checks made payable to SME Band, or cash in labeled/sealed envelope delivered to the band office mailbox outside Mr. Toepfer’s office.
- Students may still sign up until 11/8 for $50
- (all payments are non-refundable; all students on the above list must pay)
CO Trip – Registration & Deposit
- Deposit – $150 – Due Friday, 11/22, 2024
- Make checks payable to “SME Band Trip Fund”
- Payments may be dropped off in Mr. Toepfer’s mailbox in the SME Main office OR Band Room, or mailed to the school. We do not have a Venmo account attached to this Bank Account.
- Payments must be in a sealed envelope, labeled with student’s name
- Traveler Registration & Chaperone Application