KSHSAA Solo & Ensemble Festival April 13 (Regional)
- Congratulations to all who participated! Those who earned “I” Ratings will perform Saturday, 4/27 @ Washburn Rural HS in Topeka, KS.
- Please let a director know ASAP if you cannot participate
- Soloists: rehearsal locations are available at SME for you and your accompanist (band/choir room/auditorium). Please schedule at least two rehearsals between now and 4/27 with your accompanist!
KSHSAA State Large Group Contest Thursday, April 18
- Concert Band & Symphonic Band Participating @ Olathe East HS
- Attire: Concert Black (please report to school in concert wear). Black shoes and black socks were an issue at the pre-festival concerts. Please make sure you have the appropriate footwear Thursday!
- 7:30am: Concert Band Warmup @ SME
- 8:05am: Symphonic Band Warmup @ SME
- Please see detail itinerary here
- Parent volunteers for the bus ride would be appreciated!
Jazz on the Bridge Friday, April 19 @ SM West HS
- Blue Knights Perform @6:30pm on “The Bridge”, call time is 6pm in SMW Band Room
- Blue Notes Perform @7:45pm in the “Jazz Cafe”, call time is 7:15pm in the SMW Orchestra Room
- Attire: Dress-up casual, similar to PV Jazz Fest Attire. The temp will not be as warm – 60s.
2024 Flower Sale Pickup
- Flowers will be available for pickup on Thursday, 4/18 from 3pm to the end of the day
- Pickup location: courtyard outside band room & dropoff circle
East Area Band Festival Wednesday, April 24, 7pm @ SME Main Gym
- Featuring all band students in the SME attendance area, grades 5-12!
Band End of Year Awards – Applications Due May 1st
- Seniors: Apply for the $500 Rich Nitsch Memorial Scholarship! Application and rubrics here
- All Students: Band ‘Varsity Letter’ applications here
- Awards will be announced at the May 6th Band Awards and Dessert Banquet. Make sure you save the date!
Concert & Symphonic Band Spring Concert May 1, 7pm @ SME Auditorium
- Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Small Ensembles
Jazz Night May 3, 7pm @ SME Auditorium
2025 SME Band Trip to Florida – Save the Dates!
- March 13-19 2025. Subject to change only due to pricing or unforeseen travel circumstances
- Performances at Disney and/or Universal, fun in the parks, travel to Clearwater/St. Pete’s Beach, and more!
NEW: SME Band Gear available at SME Team Store
- Visit Store Here
- Scroll down, under Design Options click “Arts” and “Band” to customize any SME gear. Band Parent gear, hoodies, polos, jackets, etc.