Band Leadership Interviews Monday and Tuesday, 4/18, 7am
- Section Leader and Drum Major candidates. Students please arrive early for your interviews!
Drum Major training continues during Seminar/WIN Tuesday, 7am Thursday
- All students trying out for drum major must attend
- Drum Major auditions w/ full band: Tuesday 4/26 during seminar. Candidates will conduct fight song, school song & Star Spangled Banner. Band will play for student conductors — please attend. Only those in attendance may vote for drum majors.
Elementary Honor Band Tuesday, 4/12
- HS helpers: 3:15pm call time
Band Booster Meeting Tuesday, 6:30pm @ SME Band Room
- In-person. If you are interested in volunteering as a board member or committee chairman next year, please attend! Many opportunities to help your SME band students succeed.
East Area Band Festival Wednesday, 4/20, 6:30pm @ SME Main Gym
- Featuring performances by ALL East Area 5th & 6th grade bands, IHMS 7th & 8th Grade Bands, Blue Knights Jazz Ensemble, Concert Band & Symphonic Band. Call time: 6pm
- Attire: Concert Black
Jazz on the Bridge @ Shawnee Mission West Friday, 4/22 – Blue Notes & Blue Knights
- Blue Notes perform @ 6:10pm, call time: 5:45pm
- Blue Knights perform @ 7:50pm, call time: 7:15pm
- This event features jazz bands from several SMSD district schools, with the first performing ensemble at 5:30pm. Food trucks onsite. Come early, eat some great food, and support your SMSD jazz musicians! Please bring $ for food if interested in eating.
- Attire: Concert Black
UPCOMING: SME Jazz Night 2022. Friday, 4/29/22, SME Auditorium @ 7pm
- Featuring the IHMS Jazz Band, SME Blue Notes & SME Blue Knights
- T-shirt pre-sales open this week. $20 in advance or at the door.
- Admission: $10 donation for adults, $5 for non-SME students. Elementary band students free!
UPCOMING: Symphonic Stinky Feet: London or Bust! Mr. Stinky Feet & SME Band London Trip Fundraising Concert 5/6/2022
- Mark your calendars! The SME Band will be teaming up with renowned musician Jim Cosgrove, also known as “Mr. Stinky Feet” (also an SME Band Dad)
- Members of the SME Music Theory class are adapting some of his hit songs that he performed with the Kansas City Symphony for the SME band, and we will be performing together in the SME Auditorium
- Event will feature guest artists, concessions, games, and fun family-oriented activities
- All proceeds from the event will go toward the SME Lancer Band trip to London in December
- Volunteers will be needed! Please email Phaedra, if you are interested in helping us run this awesome event
- See Jim’s info here:
- Info flyer here. Please share to social media!
UPCOMING: 5th Annual SME Band Mattress Fundraiser, Sunday 5/1, 10am-5pm, SME Main Gym
- Our easiest fundraiser of the year. All you have to do is spread the word, and if you’re interested, buy a mattress or accessory!
- Action Item: Please like, RSVP, and share the Facebook Event!
London Trip Announcements
Please check the London Trip Announcements for information & reminders!
Upcoming Band Events: Please check your calendar, the band calendar, and let us know if there are any questions or conflicts!
- Saturday, 4/30, TBA @ Washburn Rural HS (Topeka): State Solo & Ensemble Festival
- Sunday, 5/1, 10am-5pm @ SME: 5th Annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser
- Friday, 5/6, 6pm @ SME: Mr. Stinky Feet/SME London Trip Fundraiser
- Wednesday, 5/11, 7pm @ SME: Spring Band Concert
- Monday, 5/16, 6pm @ SME: Band Banquet & Awards
- Tuesday, 5/17, 5pm @ SMN: Graduation (all 9th-11th graders in Concert/Symphonic Band)