Week of: 5/18-5/22
Virtual Band Banquet — Monday, 5-18
- Our 2020 Band Virtual Banquet will stream live on YouTube at 6:00pm on Monday, 5/18. We will announce band awards and honors, letter winners, scholarship award winners, outstanding ensemble members, show video tributes and memories from the school year, recognize our seniors, and more!
- Dress up, watch the livestream, comment live with your friends and classmates. Send out pictures on social media!
- Link to watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/SvUSJVs-Vdk
- If the livestream crashes and burns, there will still be recorded video we can send out. Ms. Babcock and I will be streaming from Zoom –> OBS –> YouTube, which are stable platforms, but you just never know with live “TV”.
- Check out the “teaser trailer” here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByG-Lgr6VuY
Senior Check-in
- From Dr. Sherman: There was a plan sent out on Tuesday, May 12th for a drive through process to return items, pickup caps and gowns, yearbooks (maybe if in) and pay fees. This process will take place on May 20 and 21 please plan accordingly. Students who do not have any outstanding fees will be provided their diploma. Please check Skyward for any fees due. Students who have outstanding account balances will need to contact the SM East bookkeeper (joanburnett@smsd.org) to make fee payment arrangements in order to receive their diploma. Please bring back all books, calculators, school owned attire and bring back school-owned instruments during drop off.
- This is all we know at this point. The plan has already changed a couple of times due to the constantly changing public health situation, so please check your emails frequently!
- Students grades 9-11 will follow a similar plan the following week.
- Please check your emails for an important message from the band boosters. If you have not received an email, please follow up with Gwen at smebandboosters@gmail.com