Musical “The Wedding Singer” – Rehearsals continue
- Rehearsals Monday, Wednesday, Thursday – 3:00-4:30
East Area Elementary Honor Band – Rehearsals begin Tuesday
- 3:45-5:15pm – helpers please be ready to receive kids by 3:15pm.
- We have over 100 5th & 6th graders signed up. It’s going to be a zoo!
From the Band Boosters
- December Booster meeting Tuesday, 12/4/21, 6:30pm – SME Band Room
- We are making great money from our basketball concessions — more volunteers needed! Sign up here:
From the London Trip Committee
- We are excited to have 118 travelers signed up with deposits paid! Thank you for meeting this first milestone on time! We will send a list of paid participants soon.
- For anyone intending to travel, registration forms for each traveler and a deposit of $200/PER PERSON are now past due. Please take care of these details as soon as possible if you have not yet done so, but intend to be included. A reminder that $100 is non-refundable.
- We have 26 participants who have signed up, but for whom a deposit has not yet been received. We will be sending emails to these folks soon as a reminder. Please send checks payable to SME Band Trip Fund to the Main Office of SMEHS. If you require an alternative payment schedule, please contact Mr. Toepfer in writing with your request.
- The team is working through the Trip Contract details and will be sending contracts to all participants soon.
- Please review, update or apply for Passports as soon as possible!
- Look for a Signup Genius for monthly fundraising champions after the holidays. We are looking for one fundraising champion each month between January and November to organize and conduct a fund raising activity.
- We are also looking for a corporate sponsorship coordinator to seek and organize donations from corporate sources.
- Questions about the trip? Send email to
Pep Band – Boys/Girls Basketball Game & ALUMNI Pep Band Night – Friday 12/17
- Call time: 4:45
Marching Band Photos
- Please pick up portrait packets from PEC Sports, they arrived last week.
- Tiffany Truster (Black Bear Photography) has donated great pictures of the band to us. Find them here
- All senior photos are now available for download. Access here:
Have photos or videos of the band?
Upload them to our google photo album!
Pay your band fees or donate to the band through the handy cash-transfer app. @smebandboosters