Finals Schedule This Week
Pit Orchestra
- No rehearsal this week, finals prep
Marching Shoes/Lost & Found/Cleaning House
- All students, please check the table at the front of the room. Several pairs of marching shoes and other various items have not been picked up. If they are not picked up by Wednesday, they will be donated or thrown away.
- All students, please clean out lockers this week!
Basketball Concessions – Help Needed
- We are done for 2023, but lots of opportunities for 2024
- Thank you to all who have volunteered so far!!
- View Concession SignUp Genius
Basketball Pep Band – January 5 – BLUE Band & Alumni Night!
- Invite your former Lancer Band member friends to our 5th annual SME Band Alumni Night!
- Please review the pep band rosters and requirements. Please note: your assigned pep band dates are not optional (hint: scroll all the way down to see the details)
- Call time for 1/5: 5pm
All-State Auditions Saturday January 13, Salina KS
- All students who participated in an honor band (Gold, Blue, Red, Jazz) have been registered for all-state auditions. We will travel to Salina via charter bus, departing approximately 5:30am. Please contact a director if you cannot participate, if you have not already.