Final Band Concert Wednesday, 5/3, 7pm @ SME Auditorium
- Featuring: Small Ensembles, Percussion Ensemble, Concert Band, Symphonic Band
- Attire: Concert Blacks
- Call time for all students: 6:30pm
SME Jazz Night Friday, 5/5, 7pm @ SME Auditorium
- Featuring the IHMS Jazz Band, SME Jazz Bands & WPQ Combo, and special guests: SME Chamber Singers
- Tickets: Adults $10 @ the door – cash, card or venmo. Students free w/ SMSD ID
Band Banquet Monday 5/8, 6pm @ SME Auditorium
- Senior Recognition, Band Awards, reception w/ “Chill in the Village” ice cream truck and desserts
Marching Lancers Kickoff 5/15, 6:30pm @ SME Band room
- Meet your 2023 Marching Lancer Drum Majors, Section Leaders and Section Musicians
- Sight read pregame, pep-band and 2023 marching show music
- Organize summer activities with your sections
- Get hyped for 2023!
SME Graduation Band 5/16, 5:30pm @ SM NORTH Stadium
- Concert and Symphonic Band members will perform a pre-graduation concert, perform “Pomp & Circumstance” for the procession, and the SME School Song for the Seniors.
- Required concert for all concert/symphonic band members
- Attire: Dress Nice — no jeans, sneakers, or t-shirts. Slacks, dress pants, dresses, dress shirt, blouse, polo, etc.
- More details coming soon.