September 12-16 2022

Marching Band Rehearsal Thursday, 9/15/22

  • 6-8pm, SME. Theme: Chiefs! (Sorry for the conflict but we have to rehearse)

Lancer Day 2022 – Friday, 9/16/22

  • 7:00am: Normal zero-hour rehearsal
  • 7:30am: March through hallways with cheer/dance/pep club
  • 12:08pm: classes dismissed. Students eat a quick lunch, change in to parade theme attire
    • This year’s band theme is “Minions”. Wear yellow shirts, overalls, denim, goggles, etc., and look like a minion (from the ‘Despicable Me’ movies). Students please discuss with your sections for specifics
  • 1:15pm: Parade begins, 75th & Mission to the Village Shops
  • 1:45pm: Perform as a pep band for the rally by the clock tower
    • Parent volunteers needed to help pass out water when the band reaches the rally area
  • 2:30pm: Students return to SME, depart for home (buses run regular routes). Band room closed from 2:45pm-4:30pm
    • The band trailer/truck will be available to transport large instruments back to SME after the parade. Students will need to walk or secure own rides back from the village shops.
  • 5:00pm: Call time for FB Game. Load trailer, truck & buses. UNIFORM ATTIRE TBA (based on weather)
  • 5:30pm: depart for SM North
  • 6:00pm: Truck/trailers unloaded at SMN, prep for pregame
  • 6:50pm: Pregame
  • 7:00pm: Game begins, perform halftime @ approximately 7:45pm
  • 9:00pm: Game ends, load truck/trailer & depart for SME.
  • 9:30pm: Students released after unloading


ECKMEA All-District Honor Band and Honor Jazz Band

  • Audition materials have been posted
  • Students who successfully audition in November will perform along with the top musicians in the area at the Honors Convention in December
  • View the materials here (they’re also in Canvas)

Join the Band App

  • For mobile-based communication, calendars, schedules, and real-time announcements (such as updates when we’re on the road, etc)

SME Band Wish List