SME Class/Bell Schedule
Mon: 7p Tues: 7p Wed: ODD Thurs: EVEN Fri: 7p
Pit Orchestra
- Congratulations on your performances this weekend! Your talent and hard work is sincerely appreciated. Please make sure all pencil marks are completely erased and music books are returned ASAP.
Pep Band
- 7am rehearsals resume Tuesday, 2/11
- Basketball doubleheader Friday, 2/14. Call time: 4:45pm
- Little Lancer Night has been rescheduled to Tuesday, 2/18. All band students are expected to attend. Please mark the date!
Band Booster Meeting Tuesday, 2/11 — 6:30pm, Band Room
- Moved to accommodate Parent-Teacher Conferences Wednesday.
4th Annual SME Band Mattress Sale Sunday, 3/29/2020
- In three years we’ve earned $20,000 for the band through this one-day event! Best of all, you don’t have to do anything besides spread the word (and of course, buy a mattress if you’re in the market for one).
- Please visit the Facebook event page and select “going” (it gets more attention than selecting “interested”), and share the event!
Band Boosters 50/50 Raffle
- The Band Boosters will be holding a 50/50 raffle at several home basketball games. Tickets are only $10! We need help selling raffle tickets at each game. Only adults over 21 years of age may sell and/or purchase tickets.
- Those who purchase a ticket do NOT need to be present to win.
- Please sign up for a shift here:
- Parents, please help get the word out: follow the link to the Facebook event, select “Going”, and share
Volunteer Opportunities – Basketball Concessions
- One of our top fundraising opportunities for the band. The SME Band Boosters and students run the concession stands for all home basketball games. It is a great way to help the band earn money and socialize with the SME community!
- Parents please sign up here (students you will sign up separately