Weekly Announcements 8/26-8/30 2019
Car Wash Follow-Up
- Anyone who brought coolers — Please check to see if you ended up with an extra red & white cooler after the car wash. You can bring it to the band room this week if you find it.
- Additional pre-sales & donations collected this past week totaled over $500 — thank you!
Marching Band Group Pictures
- Order Forms will come home this week. We are in the process of switching vendors for this year. If the vendor is available Wednesday morning (8/28), we will take photos during the 7am-9:05am time slot.
Band Senior Pictures are finished
- Visit https://www.bclose.photography/band1920 to download or order prints of your pictures! Senior banners will be finished before the first game.
Prairie Village Jazz Festival — Volunteers needed September 7, 4pm-10:30pm
- 2 or 3 shifts available. Need 20-30 volunteers to assist with trash cleanup, ticket taking, merchandise booth, and more. The City of Prairie Village will make a generous donation to the program.
- Volunteers can earn Band letter points, NHS volunteer hours, or other count toward other service hour opportunities.
- Blue Knights perform at 4pm, opening act for the PV Jazz Fest! $5 for adults and free for children/students under 18. Bring lawn chairs or picnic blankets.
The SME Band Merchandise Store
- We are in the last full week of the online store! Please make your selections now!
- https://smeband2019.itemorder.com/sale Merchandise includes the 2019 Irish Rhapsody Show Shirt, sweatshirts, and various other options. All items are optional purchases. The sale site will be open through September 3, 2019.
- Note: The store can also be accessed via our website: https://www.SMELancerBands.com
Band Booster Communication
- Occasionally the band boosters will send out communications regarding volunteer opportunities, announcements and more.
- Please make sure SMEBandBoosters@gmail.com is in your contact list. We promise not to send SPAM or unwanted advertising emails. Anything coming from the boosters is just as important as emails coming from a band director!